Radioactive nuclear waste buried beside 21% of the world's fresh water supply defies common sense
Reasons To Be Concerned
In speaking about the use of models to make predictions in relation to a planned and denied underground nuclear waste dump, also known as a Deep Geological Repository or DGR in the US, Allison Mcfarlane, an MIT trained professor of geology and the present Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the US, notes "Many assumptions go into these models. The problem, though is that one cannot make assumptions about the processes or features that one is not aware of."17 She goes on to say that "Others have explored the use and misuse of models in the earth sciences and technical policy decision making. …One of the main conclusions from these works is that these models cannot be validated or verified."18
At a nuclear waste facility in Maxey Flats, Kentucky, US, government and industry scientists were wrong when they said that the possibility of offsite migration of the waste was "essentially nonexistent." They reassured citizens that it would take 24,000 years for the plutonium to travel one-half of an inch on-site. Less than 10 years later it was found two miles off-site.19
17 Uncertainty Underground. Yucca Mountain and the Nation's High-Level Nuclear Waste. Edited by Allison M. Mcfarlane and Rodney C. Ewing. Page 396
18 Ibid Page 397
19 Page 5